Iryna Manukovska - The Sky Artists

“Sky is a language of energy and inspiration. My paintings incapsulate them to empower dreams and ideas”,

Iryna Manukovska, the Sky Artist

Skies fascinate artist Iryna Manukovska. They have been her constant and the place to find the answer. Captivated by their mysticism and movement, she renders patterns, colors, and shapes displayed by skies all over the world. Just as there is no escaping life’s challenges, there is no escaping the sky’s influence. The sky must be accepted. The sky is life.

Manukovska works only in oil paint, applying it to her canvases in thick impasto layers using brushes, palette knives, and even her fingers. Make sculptured details you want to interact with. Her lush and textured surfaces invite touch. Structured like a cloud and building outwards, their thickness reveals a richness of hue that changes with the light of the sky. Inspired by Monet, Picasso, and Ayvazovsky, the paintings transplant the sky’s energy onto canvas. The work is both contemporary and abstract. Its classic materials mean legacy to the artist—a legacy of respect to families and roots, but also a legacy of developing something new.

Manukovska’s process begins when bother: an unsolvable question or conundrum. Unable to reason her way to an explanation, she looks to the sky for clues. The shapes, colors, and motions of clouds are a catalyst for insight and creativity. Her method is a meditation where the sky manifests a solution. Dawns and sunsets from the world over convey peace, joy…and answers. That someone else could similarly feel the sky’s power and calm when viewing her paintings encourages her. Transformation is the goal—the right mood makes anything manageable. Manukovska's conviction is that textures and colors can spark viewers to find their own answers. Her paintings are color therapy and pure energy for those who see them. The artist gathers tints and shades from rain and cloud in Oslo, foggy haze in London, skyscraper reflections in Toronto and Seattle, and blue seas in Greece and Cyprus. Her skies bring showers, mist, mirage, and calm. They are Manukovska’s emblem. 

For Manukovska, the sky encapsulates life. Birth is a blue summer sky. Growth and aging—with their questions, challenges, and responsibilities—are skies held in storms. She discerns life-affirming moments in their motion and form. The wind plays with clouds. The sun plays with color. All are action, movement, and energy. Life beneath such a panorama bequeaths the courage to act and to dare. These paintings are gateways to possibility. Their mission is to capture the energy and inspiration of all that Iryna Manukovska sees in a creation revealed in the sky.

Latest Exhibitions

  • "From all over the world", January 2022

    "From all over the world", January 2022

    Gorilla Gallery, Paphos, Cyprus

  • "Winter Exhibition", December 2021

    We Space, Limassol, Cyprus

  • ALL COLOURS 2021

    "The Soul of the Artist", October 2021

    Art Studio 55, Limassol, Cyprus

  • "Say Hello", October 2021

    Exhibit 8 Gallery, Limassol, Cyprus

  • Petrideio Foundation Exhibition of Self-taught artists, September 2021

    En Plo gallery, Paphos, Cyprus

  • "The Blue Exhibition", May 2021

    Exhibit 8 Gallery, Limassol, Cyprus

  • "The Cyprus Artists", September 2020

    Art Space 55, Limassol, Cyprus

  • "The Drops of Art", September 2020

    Exhibit 8 Gallery, Limassol, Cyprus

  • "Private label", July 2021

    private Pinacoteca, Paphos, Cyprus

  • "The Colours of the City", August 2017

    D12 Gallery, Kyiv, Ukraine

  • "The Colours of the City", May 2015

    Platforma Gallery, Kyiv, Ukraine

  • "The Colours of the City", Jabuary 2013

    Little Opera Gallery, Kyiv, Ukraine

Dive into the sky inspiration


Dream it.

Iryna Manukovska skyscapes are the personal window to the world of bright colors and energy.

Sunsets and dawns from all over the world bring a joyful and peaceful mood to space. Technic used to create artworks allows spots to interact and change the perception of colors and shapes.