They were so small! It was unusual and scary. Story of Alexandra, Alihan & Emirhan
Mom Alexandra with her kids
March 8th. Chernihiv, Ukraine
I have known Alexandra since I've got the message from a Cyprus volunteer "Can you please help to evacuate Mom with newborn twins a small kid?". I've done what I could, but I did not believe it would be possible. In 2 weeks, Mom Alexandra was in Denmark with healthy and uninjured kids.
"They have started to shout immediately!"
Recalls Alexandra her first meeting with the boys. On the 8th of March, her sons were born in a corridor of the bomb shelter basement under the maternity hospital. Babies were just 2.5 kilograms. Today, less than half of the city with thousands of years of history left. russian military forces have destroyed all road bridges. The last one left for pedestrians is constantly shelled. Bombs decorate playgrounds, university, schools, and nurseries.
Before the 24th of February, when russia has attacked Ukraine, Alexandra was running an online business and was planning to launch an educational course dedicated to the ethics of sales. She has two years old daughter and was 33 weeks pregnant.
"I was afraid to leave. I was in the hospital three times because of complications. Doctors told me leaving is very unsafe. Kids were heads-up, and delivering them on the road was not an option at all. We did not believe it would be so bad till the last moment."
With her Mom and daughter, Alexandra spent ten days in the basement, sized 1.5 per 1.5 meters. Grads bombed the district they lived in (The BM-21 "Grad" (is a Soviet truck-mounted 122 mm multiple rocket launcher) from day two; three neighboring houses burned because of shellings, walls of their own house were dancing because of surrounding explosions. Today the house is buried under the russian bombs.
On the eleventh day, Alexandra and her family were evacuated. The local territorial defense unit (volunteers who help army forces) had information about pregnant Mom and a possible bomb attack in the place they lived in. At the same time, Alexandra's Mom and her daughter were in the basement of the maternity hospital. The pregnant woman was located in the bomb shelter. Here doctors have made a cesarian section with spinal anesthesia just in the corridor. That's how Alihan and Emirhan were born - the great and the fair rulers of the future.
"I was made surgery on the early term - 35 weeks only because I had complications. Kids were taken into emergency just when they were born - they could not breathe by themselves. I was given sons only in three days - I have never seen such small babies. It was so scary and unusual. One of the babies became bad immediately - it was only 15 degrees celsius in a bomb shelter too cold for a premature baby. We did not have enough drinking water. They delivered it from upstairs. We did not have any place to wash. Doctors and nurses were too tired. Most of them have left at the very beginning, including ultrasound specialists. A lot of girls have lost their babies because of this"
On the seventh day, Alexandra took newborns out of the hospital, one from an intensive care unit - he could not eat by himself. But she was late for an evacuation car. As her home was distracted, she has decided to stay overnight in an apartment of hers with no water, electricity, or heating. Only strong walls in case of a bomb hit.
They provide evacuations in Chernihiv city at a very precise time only, as occupants constantly shell roads. After the chilly night in a deadly apartment, volunteers took the whole family. Here our rods have crossed for the first time.
Seven hours and 150 kilometers later, Alexandra arrived at the capital of Ukraine, where it was comparatively safe. Seven days later, Alexandras and her family were allocated in Denmark.
"We have driven into Kishinev city (Moldova) to do a check-up for babies; they were totally fine. The medical services for Ukrainians are free here".
During the trip to Denmark, Alexandra has made newborn certificates, and here is why she was obliged to spend overnight in Chernivtsi, where 30 hotels had abandoned her. The reason why - people from areas attacked are moving to the western part of Ukraine, which is relatively safe and too overcrowded.
Alexandra's The elder daughter has spent 20 days in a car seat - in the basement or on the road. Now she has child tantrums to release emotions she got during the 20 days of hell. Psychologists say she will be fine soon.
Today the whole family is safe in Denmark due to the Temporary Protection status given to all refugees from Ukraine. "It is a perfect place for kids; they have no limitations here." Moms always consider what is best for their children when making a choice.
The message to my kids
I want them to become emphatic persons with a high level of emotional intelligence. Being grateful.